WHAT IS Cardi-O-ralogy™?
For several decades there has been ample evidence demonstrating a link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, but in recent years there has been significant research proving the relationship between abnormal breathing patterns during sleep (Sleep Disordered Breathing or SDB) and CVD. CVD includes such common medical diseases related to coronary artery atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, hypertension, obesity, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, congestive heart failure, and various arrhythmias. For many patients who are being managed by a Cardiovascular physician, it appears that the prevalence of SDB is very common and the predisposition for SDB may, in fact, be related to abnormalities associated with the presence of one or more of the following oral anatomical features: advanced Mallampati class, smaller maxilla:mandible ratios, abnormal resting tongue posture, tongue restriction, presence of mouth breathing, and oropharyngeal and nasal pathology.
Combining the words "Cardiology" (study of the heart and vascular systems) and "Oralogy" (study of the mouth) while "sharing" the letter "O", we form the word "CardiOralogy". The objective of combining these two words together is to promote the understanding that both groups of health care providers may work together for the common good of a patient and that a more integrated system based on respect, mutual understanding, and shared research endeavors can lead to more proper diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disease.
Shehzad Malik, MD